WebGurus Forms to Mautic

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This plugin allows you to send various sign ups of WordPress to Mautic in order to create a new subscriber. You can also define various actions, like campaigns or segment assignments to be taken right after the subscriber was added. The confirmation page feature can help to simplify double opt-in campaigns, unsubscribe pages or one click sign ups. If you want to learn more about the marketing automation platform Mautic, check out their official website.

Currently the plugin is processing sign ups from the following sources:

  • Comment Forms
  • WooCommerce Checkout
  • Any Fluent Forms form where you activate the integration.

Note: This plugin is based on the Mautic for FluentForms plugin and will completely substitute its functionality. If you are using Mautic for FluentForms, disable the plugin before using Forms to Mautic, and all your settings will be carried over to the new plugin.

Sign up for our Newsletter and download the plugin for free:

Forms to Mautic Signup

Are those plugins mission critical for your business? If so, you should be signing up for a support plan. This way you have the peace of mind that your tech problems are resolved by qualified support staff right away, and you contribute for the further development of the plugin. Check out your options:

Support Plan for WebGurus Forms to Mautic Plugin

Basic License

  • 10 Websites
  • One support contact
  • Email Support
  • Support Calls if needed
  • Automatic Updates (coming soon)

Agency License

  • Unlimited Websites
  • For one support contact
  • Email and Phone Support
  • Support Calls if needed
  • Automatic Updates (coming soon)

Agency Plus License

  • Unlimited Websites
  • For all support contacts of agency
  • Email and Phone Support
  • Support Calls if needed
  • Automatic Updates (coming soon)

Support Plan for All Current WebGurus Plugins

Basic License

  • 10 Websites
  • One support contact
  • Email Support
  • Support Calls if needed
  • Automatic Updates (coming soon)

Agency License

  • Unlimited Websites
  • For one support contact
  • Email and Phone Support
  • Support Calls if needed
  • Automatic Updates (coming soon)

Agency Plus License

  • Unlimited Websites
  • For all support contacts of agency
  • Email and Phone Support
  • Support Calls if needed
  • Automatic Updates (coming soon)